9 Mar 2018

9 Mar 18 - Colombia: The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Foothills (Part2)

We had started the morning by Birding along the track we had visited at the end of the previous day. One of the highlights had been a few Military Macaws that flew over us in the early morning. We returned to the main road leading up to the El Dorado Lodge & drove up it for a mile or two, to a site we had stopped at on the previous afternoon. There was a Black-and-white Owl roost site near the road, but for the second time, we drew a blank at the site. The Black-and-white Owl clearly had other roost trees that the drivers didn't know. However, an hour of road side Birding was more productive.
Broad-winged Hawk: A widespread species, but uncommon, species on the trip
 Whooping Blue-crowned Motmot
Rusty-margined Flycatcher: This species occurs from Panama, Colombia & Venezuela to as far South as Bolivia & Brazil
Southern Rough-winged Swallow
Bicoloured Wren: This species occurs from Colombia to Venezuela, Guyana & neighbouring North Brazil
Rufous-capped Warbler
Buff-throated Saltator: This is a widespread Neotropical species that occurs from Mexico to Bolivia, Brazil & Paraguay
Buff-throated Saltator: To confirm how it got its name
As we walked up the road to where the 4WDs were waiting, we ran into another Tick: a couple of Golden-winged Sparrows. I've seen the similar-looking Pectoral Sparrow & San Francisco Sparrow in Brazil. Despite their bright colours, these Golden-winged Sparrows & their close cousins are surprisingly easy to overlook if they sit still.
Golden-winged Sparrow: They quickly disappear into background, once they sit still in the shade
Golden-winged Sparrow: Grovelling on the ground
Golden-winged Sparrow: They are restricted to Colombia & Northern Venezuela
By late morning, the Birding activity was dropping off & we headed back to the hotel in Minca. However, there was still plenty of activity at the Hummingbird feeders.