After a good early morning at the top of the Montezuma track, we continued to drop down in elevation throughout the rest of the day. It was a long, but rewarding, day and easily the best day in Colombia with 21 Ticks.
I can't remember what the others were looking for here
After we left the breakfast spot, we soon ran into the next goodie: a White-faced Nunbird.
White-faced Nunbird: This is a local species which occurs from West Colombia to NW Peru
Soon after we ran into a photogenic Cinnamon Flycatcher.
Cinnamon Flycatcher: This is a widespread species which occurs from Colombia & Venezuela through Ecuador & Peru to NW Argentina
The next highlight was when we bumped into a lek of Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonias.
Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia
Looking for another goodie: I had handed the small camera over to one of the others to take this photo
We did well for Fruiteaters: with a Green-and-black Fruiteater and later an Orange-breasted Fruiteater.Looking for another goodie: I had handed the small camera over to one of the others to take this photo
Green-and-black Fruiteater: Another species that occurs from Colombia & West Venezuela to Ecuador & Peru
Orange-breasted Fruiteater: They are restricted to the Western Andes of Colombia & Ecuador
I was pleased to find there was another group of Hummer feeders. It allowed us a break from walking, but not from the photography.
Empress Brilliant
As we continued down the track, we ran into a couple of cracking new Tanagers: Black-and-gold Tanager & Gold-ringed Tanager.
Black-and-gold Tanager: A West & Central Colombian Andes endemic
The light levels were already starting to drop by the time we reached the lodge. The Hummer feeders were still busy, but the failing light meant it wasn't worth trying to take any more photos. But there was still the opportunity to enjoy a few more Hummingbird species.