30 Jun 2018

30 Jun 18 - Island Butterflies

The previous Post covered the trip to the Isle of Wight for Southern Emerald Damselflies. This Post covers some of the Butterflies seen at Bouldnor Forest. With the Southern Emerald Damselflies being the main target, I only spent a few minutes photographing the Butterflies. However, it is clearly a reasonable site for Butterflies & would be clearly worth exploring if time permitted. I saw several Marbled Whites, White Admirals, Silver-washed Fritillaries & a Purple Hairstreak without making any effort to search for Butterflies.
White Admiral: There were several along the entrance track
Purple Hairstreak: It was feeding on salts in the mud. I've seen Butterflies doing this on muddy edged puddles on many occasions in the Tropics, but I've not seen them do it very often in the UK. One of the Silver-washed Fritillaries was also doing the same, but it wouldn't pose for a photograph. It was also nice to see a Purple Hairstreak on the ground rather in the treetops