8 Jun 2015

8 June 15 - Some Views Of Old Harry & Ballard Down

One of the great things of the Studland/Ballard patch is the stunning views of the place. The down side of this is by mid morning in May, the hordes of day trippers have normally descended, having already been beaten by the early mountain bikers, (who like to show how fit they are by shouting to each other as they race past). But if you get out early enough you can avoid most of the people & stand more chance of enjoying the Birds & other wildlife. So for a change, this is just a Post showing some recent photos of the Old Harry/Ballard Down part of the patch. Enjoy.
Looking back on Studland as the mist started to burn off around mid morning: From the top of Ballard Down (10 May 15)
The view looking North towards Old Harry along the cliff edge: Old Harry is further along & out of sight (10 May 15)
There were some positives from the early morning mist: To compensate for the lack of a migrant fall, the early morning mist also resulted in an absence of grockles till late am. At 10:00, this patch would typically be filled with walkers & cyclists (10 May 15)
By the following weekend, the sun was out, but there was a stiff cold Northerly wind, so it wasn't as pleasant out as it looked.
South Beach Bay & Old Harry: From the viewpoint above South Beach (16 May 15) 
The Needles end of the Isle of Wight: The Needles are about about 18 miles away (16 May 15)
Old Harry: (15 May 15)
It's not a bad patch even when there are few migrants around. On 10 May, there were few migrants around. On 16 May, the highlight was a single Spotted Flycatcher: the only new patch Year Tick for the two days.