16 Jan 2023

16 Jan 23 - The Antarctica Trip - Amy The Albatross

We had enjoyed our first landing at Carcass Island on West Falkland & there was a second landing lined up for us that afternoon at the nearby West Point Island. The plan was to walk a mile over the island to the West side of the island where there was a Black-browed Albatross colony. It was nice to be able to stretch our legs again on the Falklands.
West Point Island: We landed in the bay in the East & ended up at the Black-browed Albatross colony at Devil's Nose. It is another relatively small island being just over three and a half miles in length
The final approach of the Plancius towards the settlement
The West Point Island settlement: It is a privately owned island that is run as a sheep farm and it is also a popular destination for cruise ships. The path to the Black-browed Albatross colony goes up the hill in the left of this photo
We were greeted on the beach by this delightful Kelp Goose family.
Kelp Goose: Male
Kelp Goose: Female
Kelp Goose: Another female with the next generation
Kelp Goose: It's good to see this male is looking after the family. Normally, a bright white male would be a liability in looking after chicks, but it seems to work well with these gorgeous Geese
This UK flag was flying over the settlement. In 2013, the Falkland Islands Government asked its people whether they wished to remain a self-governing British Overseas Territory. In the referendum that followed, over 99% of Islanders voted to retain the Islands’ links to the UK. An observer mission from six countries, including five OAS states, oversaw that referendum. They gave their firm endorsement of the process, as free and fair. The people of the Falkland Islands have made their wishes clear. They do not want to be incorporated into Argentina. Likewise, they make it very clear that the UK has no mandate to negotiate with Argentina on the future of their home. The islanders position is very clear, so it is sad to see the Argentinian president who was elected at the end of 2023, making comments about Argentina's right to own the Falklands.
The settlement's flag: A 99% free & fair vote in favour of remaining a British Overseas Territory is a percentage that is even higher than the elections that Russia rigs
The start of the walk: It looks steep, but it wasn't a hard walk to the other side of the island. However, the islanders were doing Land Rover rides for those passengers who found it a struggle
There were several photogenic Dark-faced Ground-tyrants on the walk to the Black-browed Albatross colony.
Dark-faced Ground-tyrant: This is the maclovianus subspecies which is a Falkland endemic
Dark-faced Ground-tyrant: The other subspecies occurs in South Chile & Argentina and they winter on the coast as far as North Peru & Uruguay
Dark-faced Ground-tyrant: Ground-tyrants are part of the large Tyrant Flycatcher family
Dark-faced Ground-tyrant: The Ground-tyrants occupy the same niche as the Old World Wheatears
The landings were organised so either the even or odd cabins were allowed to board the zodiacs first. Steve Preddy & I were in the later zodiacs and we were further slowed down by the Dark-faced Ground-tyrants. What we hadn't appreciated was that when we arrived at the Black-browed Albatross colony, was that there were only a limited number of viewpoints overlooking the colony & the best ones were already occupied. Most people were considerate & taking photographs before moving on to let others have a chance. But the only good position in the first part of the colony was occupied by a Dutch togger, who in true togger fashion not only refused to allow others to have a chance of photographs, but was proud to inform everybody that he wasn't prepared to move. I was happy to give him a taste of his own medicine on the occasions he appeared on the bridge wing & thought he had the right to occupy the best places to look forward. Given that he wasn't going to look for Birds or Cetaceans, then that was another reason to not give up a good spot. Fortunately, He was one of the few anti-social passengers on the Plancius.
Black-browed Albatross: There are about two thousands pairs of Black-browed Albatrosses nesting on West Point Island. The colony has a good breeze through the valley, which helps the Albatrosses get airborne
The First Black-browed Albatross was affectionately nicknamed Albert by all the Birders who headed to Hermaness, the most Northerly point accessible in the UK, to see it. Albert returned to the Gannet colony from 1972 to 1995. I think that any female Black-browed Albatrosses should now be called Amy: albeit their eyebrows are not overdone as on their late namesake.
Black-browed Albatross: No prizes for how they got their name
Black-browed Albatross: Also, no prizes for why I think Amy is an appropriate nickname
Black-browed Albatross: The path along the edge of the colony is a reasonable distance from the colony and it is not possible to get closer. Note, that you needed to get closer as my 100 - 400 mm lens was perfect for some excellent photographs. This was taken with the lens set to 135 mm. This photo is uncropped, except for narrowing it a bit to my standard 1 x 1.2 format
Black-browed Albatross: We were close enough to witness some Albatross courtship
Black-browed Albatross: The nests are tall and have probably been home to many youngsters over the generations
Black-browed Albatross: Hopefully these chicks are large enough to look after themselves from predators at this age
Black-browed Albatross: The nest is only just big enough for a parent to sit on
There was a steady stream of Black-browed Albatrosses flying into the colony to keep me happy trying to get some flight photos.
Black-browed Albatross: Starting the approach
Black-browed Albatross
Black-browed Albatross
Black-browed Albatross
Black-browed Albatross
Black-browed Albatross
The local Striated Caracaras and Turkey Vultures weren't far from the colony.
Striated Caracara: This Striated Caracara was keeping an eye out for a potential meal in the colony
Turkey Vulture: I'm continuing with my strategy of not having a decent photo of this common Latin American species
The Black-browed Albatrosses share the colony with the local punks, but I will leave them to the next Blog Post.