19 Oct 2024

9 Oct 24 - Up Close & Personal

During the early afternoon while I was volunteering on the Dorset Wildlife Trust reserve, I spent some time at the DWT gazebo with one of the other volunteers, where we were meeting & greeting visitors to the reserve. I saw a group of visitors looking at something just off the main track on the reserve. A few minutes later, this gorgeous young & tame Sika Deer appeared by the gazebo. Clearly, this was what the visitors had been watching.
Sika Deer: Initially, the Sika Deer was checking us out
After a minute or so, the Sika Deer popped out of the Bracken for some better photos.
Sika Deer: I think this is the closest I've ever been to a Sika Deer
Sika Deer
Soon after this, the Sika Deer decided to continue on its way.

18 Oct 2024

9 Oct 24 - Hiding Nuts

One of the best areas to see Red Squirrels on Brownsea is the bank behind the church. This area is on the National Trust side of the island and it can be seen from the Dorset Wildlife Trust gazebo. It is an area I keep an eye on when I'm on meet and greet duties at the gazebo, to see if there are any Red Squirrels active in the area. If so, I'm often pointing them out to our visitors. Part of the reason why the Red Squirrels are so active in this area, is visiting photographers often put out nuts on fallen trees at the top of the bank to encourage the Red Squirrels to appear for their photos. The DWT team do not approve of this activity, but as the photographers are not on the DWT reserve, then this isn't anything do to ask them to stop.
Red Squirrel: This Red Squirrel had just buried a nut, but was having a look around the neighbouring leaves
Red Squirrel: They are remarkably well camouflaged against the fallen leaves
Red Squirrel
On this occasion, the photographer with the bag of nuts was standing by the main track, so it was possible to wander over to take a few photographs on this tree stump.
Red Squirrel
After three weeks off Brownsea, due to ORCA surveys to Santander and the Scillies, followed by the Pale-legged Warbler twitch, it was good to see the Red Squirrels again.
Red Squirrel: Another nut which will be carried away to be buried

16 Oct 2024

9 Oct 24 - Little & Large

I was doing my usual volunteering on the Dorset Wildlife Trust Brownsea reserve, as it was a Wednesday. I wasn't on the rota for anything immediately after the morning briefing, so I took the opportunity to head to the Tern hide to scan the lagoon and do a Wader & Wildfowl count. One of the first species I saw was a Great White Egret at the edge of the lagoon. At the time, I thought this was a Brownsea Tick for me, but it turns out I've had one sighting before in Autumn 14. Given they are scarce visitors to the lagoon, I grabbed a few photos, before getting on the DWT radio to let the DWT wardens know.
Great White Egret with a Little Egret for comparison: Little & large. The identification wasn't really very hard in the circumstances
Great White Egret with a Little Egret for comparison: A Greenshank is now trying to get in on the act
The Great White Egret was feeding at the edge of the lagoon for about forty-five minutes before it flew off.
Great White Egret: This is only my second Great White Egret on the Brownsea lagoon, despite it being a regular species in Poole Harbour these days

14 Oct 2024

3 Oct 24 - That Thursday Morning Feeling

We have all felt that Thursday morning feeling when the alarm goes off & we realise it's only Thursday and there are still at least two working days left in the week. Well it looks like Grey Squirrels also suffer from this problem.
Grey Squirrel: Showing the Thursday morning feeling
Grey Squirrel: This Grey Squirrel is more awake

7 Oct 2024

7 Oct 24 - Breakfast In Roscoff With ORCA

In early evening on the previous day, I met up with the Team Leader Neil Best, Judith Brown & Chloe Figueroa Ashworth at the Brittany Ferry terminal in Plymouth for an ORCA survey on the ferry Armorique to Roscoff. As the ferry left Plymouth in the dark, I ran through the survey briefing and then we headed off to get some sleep.
Judith Brown, Chloe Figueroa Ashworth, Neil Best & myself
There was a wakeup call at 06:00 UK time to let the passengers know we would be docking in an hour. It was only a few minutes before the cabin alarm was due to go off anyway. Time for a quick cuppa of tea, before Neil & I met up with Judith & Chloe. We were quickly off the ship & through customs with plenty of time to explore Roscoff.
The Armorique in the early morning Roscoff light
Roscoff is my favourite of the Brittany ferry destinations as it's a lovely-looking town. It took us about twenty-five minutes to walk into the centre: slowed down a bit by a few photographs.
The Roscoff Lighthouse: Building started in 1914 & it was finished three years later
The Eglise Notre-Dame de Croaz-Batz: This impressive looking church was built between 1515 & 1549, with the bell tower added twenty-six years later
We took the coastal footpath to the town centre which took us past the delightful Chapelle Sainte-Barbe.
Chapelle Sainte-Barbe: This chapel was built at the start of the 17th Century to Saint Barbe to protect departing sailors
Chapelle Sainte-Barbe
The old town has lots of nice-looking houses in the distinctive local architecture: This house was next to the Chapelle Sainte-Barbe
Speckled Wood: We saw good numbers along the coastal footpath
I was pleased to see the Cafe Ty Pierre, that I had visited on my previous visit in May 23, was open. Time for a leisurely French breakfast of fresh baguettes, a croissant, orange juice & a large coffee.
The Cafe Ty Pierre
The Cafe Ty Pierre has a great ceiling with a fishing map and local fishing boats stuck to the ceiling
Another local fishing boat: This would have made a great ceiling when I was a small kid
Having had a filling breakfast, it was time to have a walk around the old town and some of the beaches.
The town isn't very large
The road next to the cafe
The old road to the Eglise Notre-Dame de Croaz-Batz
A closer view of the Eglise Notre-Dame de Croaz-Batz
The Ile de Batz lies just offshore of the town and must help to protect the harbour.
A panoramic view of the Ile de Batz
The Eastern end of the Ile de Batz: It would be interesting to visit this island on a future trip. It looks like one of the outer islands in the Scillies
The Ile de Batz's lighthouse
A control tower on the Ile de Batz
We were expecting it to be cloudy & perhaps wet, so sunny conditions with clear skies and no wind were a bonus. Albeit given the time of year, I knew this nice weather wouldn't last. Sadly, I was proved right as clouds had drifted in on a Northerly breeze by late morning.
Looking across to the Perharidi Peninsula: We saw eight Dark-bellied Brent Geese, as well as, four Pale-bellied Brent Geese in this bay.
As we walked back we bumped into the Station Biologique de Roscoff. It is a marine biology & oceanography research teaching centre, which was founded in 1872. It is part of the Sorbonne University & is affiliated to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
The Station Biologique de Roscoff
A newer wing of the Station Biologique de Roscoff
We were soon back in the square by the Eglise Notre-Dame de Croaz-Batz: There was time to have an final coffee at one of the other cafes by the port, before we had to walk back to the port
We arrived back at the ferry terminal with plenty of time before we were called to reboard the ferry. It was time to get ready to start the surveying. It proved to be a good survey. I saw over one hundred and twenty-five Short-beaked Common Dolphins out of over one hundred and fifty-four individuals. After crossing to the UK side of the Channel, I saw the singles of Cory's Shearwater and Great Shearwater, as well as, a couple of Bonxies, but there were no more Dolphins. Unfortunately, it was dark around an hour before we reached the Plymouth South breakwater. This last hour is usually good for Cetaceans, but without luminous markings, it was time to leave the bridge.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin: Showing the characteristic inverted black triangle below the dorsal fin
Short-beaked Common Dolphin: Not the sharpest of photos, but the thick bridge glass can make any photography tricky
I would like to thank to Brittany Ferries for allowing the ORCA survey team onboard the Armorique and to the bridge crew for making us welcome. Also, thanks to Neil, Judith and Chloe for making it a memorable survey.
Unfortunately, we didn't find any gold treasure on this survey

3 Oct 2024

3 Oct 24 - Catching The Rays

I was pleased to see this Hummingbird Hawk Moth sitting on the side of Durlston Castle catching the rays this morning. This is only my third Hummingbird Hawk Moth that I've seen at rest, despite seeing quite a few locally each year.
Hummingbird Hawk Moth

2 Oct 2024

2 Oct 24 - Not Forgiven, Not Forgotten

On 23 Oct 12, I was Birding on Portland after a Daurian Shrike had been found at the Bill. After seeing it, I was generally Birding when I was told the previous day, there had been a suppressed Arctic Warbler in a garden at Southwell. A group of mainly, but not exclusively, locals were invited in to see it, after being told that if they let the news out, they would never be allowed to see anything else that the householders decided to suppress. That first afternoon, Brett Spencer managed to get uninvited access & I understood he rang the Obs that evening & told them, it wasn't an Arctic Warbler. The suggestion after that was perhaps it was an Eastern Crowned Warbler: so an even bigger suppression. Fast-forward another day, and there was an announcement that evening, that either a Pale-legged Warbler or Sakhalin Warbler was involved, but it had gone. Four years later, a DNA confirmed Pale-legged Warbler turned up in the UK. The only problem was it was found dead under a window on St Agnes.

On 25 Sep, an Arctic Warbler turned up at Bempton. Replicating the Portland individual, it became a probable Eastern Crowned Warbler later that day. It was relocated on 27 Sep and finally identified as the UK's first alive Pale-legged Warbler. It was reported to be very skulky. I knew it would chaos the following day and decided not to head up. Unfortunately, I was committed to a WeBS count on 29 Sep, with strong winds and rain forecast for the next day. I had an early morning dental appointment on 1 Oct, but I was free after that. The weather still looked windy with the risk of rain, but dried than the previous day. I arrived just after 16:15, to find after forty Birders looking. Most had seen or glimpsed it during the afternoon as it skulked in a patch of low trees. Occasionally, an individual would see it. But by the time they started giving precise directions of "see the big branches", it was already long gone. Suffice to say I didn't see it. I headed into Bridlington for some food, before finding somewhere to park & sleep over in the Ford Focus hotel.

I was pleased that it rained for a couple of hours from dusk, albeit, it had stopped by 20:00. I fell asleep soon after, so I had no idea of whether there was further rain that evening. I had a good night's sleep and was ready for a full day of searching. The following morning was still windy, but dry and with the prospect of better light. This was essential as it spent long periods deep in cover. I spent the first forty-five minutes of the morning watching the trees it was last seen in. However, there had been no sightings in the final hour of light & I suspected it had left those trees before dusk. But it was as good an area to try as anywhere. Fortunately, after about forty-five minutes, somebody relocated it on the other side of that section of the car park: about twenty metres from where it had been last seen. There were about seventy people present: a mixture of Birders & clueless idiots with bins. Every now and then, a small group of Birders a few metres from me were seeing it. It was a case of holding my nerve and hoping it would finally show from where I was standing. Finally, I saw it after a thirty minute wait. I immediately saw why it had been so difficult to see. It would sit still for maybe fifteen or more seconds, before moving to a nearby position and staying still again. It remained deep in cover and generally three to five feet above the ground.
Pale-legged Warbler: Finally, I got a chance to get some photos. It was skulking deep into the trees and usually three to five feet above the ground. It could go missing for five to ten minutes, before popping back into view on the same branches. It is amazing that it was relocated given how skulky it was
After a number of good views, but no photos, it moved about ten metres right and the people to my left couldn't see it. At this point, these idiots thought that the best plan was for a group of them to walk within between the Birders and the Pale-legged Warbler, as close as a couple of metres away from it. Not surprisingly, it disappeared deeper into cover. They seemed surprised to be getting blunt & completely justified comments about their lack of field craft: but not one of them bothered to apologise. Eventually, it popped out again, but I'm glad the idiots weren't in a position to see it, as that group were now all standing right next to the bushes further to my right. They should have been taken away for some basic fieldcraft lessons. Soon after that, it flicked over our heads & was back in the trees were it had been seen the previous evening. Time to relocate and I knew where I needed to be standing to get a good chance of seeing it.
Pale-legged Warbler: On a few occasions, I heard it call. To my ears, I would describe it as reminiscent of a Dunnock call, but higher pitched. Apparently, it was calling well earlier in its stay and that probably helped many Birders locate it
The Pale-legged Warbler showed on and off in these trees, always low down & keeping well back. Fortunately, the RSPB had roped off the trees, which stopped anybody from trying to get into the trees. With the poor fieldcraft on display that morning, I wouldn't have been surprised by more poor behaviour. I managed to get a few photos, but most of the time, when it showed the camera was struggling to focus on the right branch, given how far it was into the trees. Unfortunately, it was still dark under these trees and the camera was on about 10,000 ISO. I watched it on and off for about three hours, before I was happy I wasn't likely to get any better views.
Pale-legged Warbler: Soon after this, I decided I had had enough and decided it was time to head home
Normally, I spend a few minutes photographing the Tree Sparrows when I visit this part of the Yorkshire coast. However on this occasion, they were pretty much ignored, given how much focus was needed to look for the Pale-legged Warbler. Consequently, this was the only Tree Sparrow photo taken on the day.
Tree Sparrow: I only spent a minute on this occasion taking these photos on the feeders at a distance
Checking RBA, the highlights on the East Coast at that moment, were an Icterine Warbler at Flamborough and an Arctic Warbler at Spurn. I wasn't bothered enough to want to figure out more details and I was happy to start the long journey back to Dorset. Halfway home, I stopped at a motorway services and the latest news was a Two-barred Greenish Warbler and an Eastern Olivaceous Warbler had been found in Yorkshire. Fortunately, I've seen both species in Dorset, so I was happy I didn't have to consider turning around.

This trip finally took some of the pain out of Dorset’s Pale-legged Warbler or Sakhalin Warbler suppression. However, after a day of suppression, when thoughts were heading in the direction of Dorset's first Eastern Crowned Warbler, it remained suppressed. This garden had previously held a Collared Flycatcher and on that occasion, access was requested to allow Birders to stand in the field adjacent to the house to view the Collared Flycatcher. Given the interest in an Eastern Crowned Warbler this would have been a good thing to try organising. Instead a plan of catch it, identify it and release elsewhere was being considered. The Obs & co did a good job in figuring out a likely identification. It's a pity the same effort wasn't made into working out how more people might have been given the chance to see this interesting Phyllos.

Back in 1995, The Corrs released their excellent debut album "Forgiven, not Forgotten". They were only half-right with this title. I think "Not Forgiven, not Forgotten" would be more appropriate, as that's how I still feel about this suppression.