10 Jan 2023

10 Jan 23 - Argentina - The Mar Chiquita To Villa Gesell Coastline

Another dawn start & I found a Spot-winged Pigeon enjoying the peace & quiet of the campsite barbeque area.
Spot-winged Pigeon: This is the nominate maculosa subspecies which occurs from South Bolivia to Paraguay, South East Brazil, Uruguay & South central Argentina
I was quickly leaving the Mar Chiquita campsite for another look around the small town, as there are occasional records of Red-winged Tinamous in the area & after I left the Mar Chiquita area, I would rapidly be heading out of its range. Not surprisingly, today wasn't the day when one would show itself. But the estuary river was busy again.
Lake Duck: This monotypic species occurs in South Argentina & Chile. It migrates North to South Brazil & Paraguay during the Argentinian Winter
Silver Teal: This is the nominate versicolor subspecies which occurs from South Bolivia, Paraguay & South Brazil to Tierra del Fuego
Yellow-billed Pintail: This is the spinicauda subspecies which occurs from the highlands of South Colombia to Tierra del Fuego & the Falkland Islands. The other subspecies is the nominate subspecies which is endemic to South Georgia
Black Skimmer: The Black Skimmers were patrolling along the river again
Spot-winged Pigeon: Another Spot-winged Pigeon on a garden lawn
Picazuro Pigeon: A Picazuro Pigeon for comparison was nearby
Chalk-browed Mockingbird: This is the modulator subspecies which occurs from South East Bolivia to South Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay & North Argentina
Chalk-browed Mockingbird
It was time to start the drive back to Buenos Aires. Rather than return the direct route, I decided on a longer route which followed the coast road up to the outer part of the Rio de la Plata coastline, before heading West along the coast to Buenos Aires. Invariably, there were a few roadside stops along the way.
Brown-and-yellow Marshbird: This monotypic species occurs from extreme South Brazil & Uruguay to North Argentina
Greater Rhea: This is the albescens subspecies which occurs on the plains of Argentina South to Rio Negro
Greater Rhea: This was a family of fourteen individuals
The first planned stop was some wet pools by the side of the small Villa Gesell flying club, where there had been old records of South American Painted Snipe. However, I will cover that those pools in the next Blog Post.