14 Aug 2024

14 Aug 24 - Poole Harbour Seals

We are lucky to be able to see both species of UK Seals in and around Poole Harbour. The most frequently seen species are Common Seals. They can be encountered anywhere in Poole Harbour, but especially in the Wareham Channel, around the islands from Long Island to Brownsea and Studland's Brands Bay. Grey Seals are the scarcer of the two species. Again they can be encountered anywhere in Poole Harbour, but they are generally more likely seen closer to the Poole Harbour mouth. They are also the most likely species in Studland Bay.
Common Seal on Stone Island
As I was waiting for the National Trush ferry to Brownsea, I could see there was a Seal on Stone Island, the stoney bank just inside Poole Harbour. A quick scan with the scope confirmed it was a gorgeous Common Seal, showing off a green algal coat. A closer scan confirmed there was a second Seal in the water looking at it: this was a Grey Seal. These two individuals provided a good comparison of how to identify the two species.
A close up of the Common Seal showing the shorter, more concaved head profile: Adult Common Seals grow to about five foot in length
Grey Seal showing the elongated head with the long muzzle: This is often compared to the mussle of an Alsatian Dog. Adult Grey Seals are longer than Common Seals and grow to about eight to nine feet in length