12 Aug 2024

12 Aug 24 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

A visit to Ilkley, to catch up with my sister & her husband and my Dad's side of the family, allowed me to have a quick walk around the Cow & Calf. This was my first chance to revisit this distinctive landmark perched above Ilkley since I was a kid. When we were kids, this was a guaranteed walk on the many trips we made to the area to visit relatives.
The Cow & Calf Rocks: The Calf is the right hand most rock
The Cow & Calf Rocks
The Cow & Calf Rocks: The rocks are Addingham Edge Grit which are a type of Sandstone. Addingham is the next town to Ilkley
The Cow & Calf Rocks: 1871 graffiti. At what point does graffiti become historically significant?
The Cow & Calf Rocks: More 1875 historic graffiti
The Cow & Calf Rocks
It was good to travel back down memory lane to this iconic landscape.