14 Jul 2024

14 Jul 24 - Departing From Plymouth For Another Spanish Ice Cream With ORCA

I was pleased to get offered another ORCA survey from Plymouth to Santander. I met the team Leader Becci and other surveyors Charlotte & Riccardo in the ferry terminal at Plymouth mid-afternoon on 14 Jul. The check-in was smooth & we departed on time. The weather conditions were perfect for late afternoon & early evening surveying. As we were getting ready for the survey, we saw a pod of three Bottlenose Dolphins just outside of the Plymouth Breakwater: a good omen. As soon as the survey started, we started seeing small pods of Short-beaked Common Dolphins. I recorded forty individuals in thirteen small pods, but some of these were probably part of more extensive wider-feeding pods. Overall, we recorded one hundred and forty-nine Short-beaked Common Dolphins and three Harbour Porpoises. However, I missed many of these individuals, by being on the wrong side of the ship or on recording duties. When we are surveying, the object is to focus on our individual roles, rather than to try and see as many Cetaceans as possible.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin: Three of the Short-beaked Common Dolphins
I also saw the best views I've seen of five Bluefin Tuna and it's the first time I've seen a Tuna in the Atlantic where I could be certain on which species of Tuna it was based upon my views. Soon after getting out of Plymouth Sound, I started to notice Compass Jellyfish in the water as I scanned closed to the bows for Dolphins. Fifty Compass Jellyfish was a conservative count and the numbers would have been much larger, if I had carried on looking for them. But we were there to survey for Cetaceans and not Jellyfish, so I quickly resumed scanning for Cetaceans further out. Disappointingly, I only saw a few Manx Shearwaters, a couple of Kittiwakes and a few Gannets.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin: A close up of the left hand individuals
Short-beaked Common Dolphin: A close up of the right hand individual
When we are surveying, there isn't any opportunity for photos, unless there is a quick opportunity to get some photos to assist with the identification and after the initial sighting data has been gathered. But I was able to take some photos of the Short-beaked Common Dolphins during my rest period.
Short-beaked Common Dolphin: It's always nice to see calves in the Dolphin pods
It had been a good start to the survey. I would like to thank to Brittany Ferries for inviting an ORCA team onboard. We were looking forward to the next two days. I will cover the remaining days of the ORCA survey in the following Blog Posts.